The majority of our Permit to work system clients entrust part of their activity to contractors. The Contractor Management Module helps to manage contractor activity while ensuring the continued integrity of the site and all associated confidential data.

Busy jobsites which use multiple contractors can often lack good visibility at the worksite  level. This can lead to safety incidents, bottlenecks, increased costs, delays, and a decline in workforce productivity.

The Contractor Module is a core element of any HSE Contractor Management Procedure providing:​

The ability to ensure contractors and recipients of permits have all the certification and insurances in place before starting the job.

Ability to log the dates of Inductions and Certifications against the individuals

The ability to confirm and request the relevant insurances for a contactor at the job planning stage

The PTW system also provides the ability to provide feedback on a contractor's performance at the end of the job:

  • Ensuring only approved contractor companies and personnel can be assigned to do a job, e.g. electrical work only done by personnel with electrical certs
  • Ensuring all contractor certificates are still in date before work starts
  • Demonstrate Contractor Management – Full Histories and Audi Logs can be shown
  • Compliance Registers

Whole contractor companies and/or individual personnel are approved to work on certain types of Permits or locations, and their competencies recorded before the work begins.

The system keeps track of your company requirements, saves copies of their certificates, and flags up expiry/renewal dates.

​And as all data is recorded centrally, anyone managing a permit can have immediate access to all relevant contractor data before authorising the work.

Continuous Rating of Contractors

  • When a permit is handed back the company representative can be required to give a rating on how well the job has been done. 1 is poor 10 is fantastic.
  • Over time this rating will give an indication of how well the users feel that the company is performing as a percentage 
  • If this option is enabled the rating can be shown against the company

Centralised access to all relevant Contractor Management data

  • Record Insurances
  • Record individual competencies
  • Record site inductions
  • Ensure the Permits are only performed by competent individuals
  • ​Assess if the contractor company/personnel meets the requirements specified. ​
  • Approve Contractor Companies/Personnel to work under the permit system in one or more of your locations. ​

  • Print Visitor Passes
  • Show areas that an individual is validated to access
  • Record the quality of the work done by the contractors on each permit
  • Record all the workers on permits
  • Use colour to flag up any requirement which needs to be checked/updated (e.g. if a certificate has expired)​