Our Team

Ashleigh McCabe - Developer

Ashleigh earned a BA in Textile Design before doing a Masters in Software Development. She enjoys spin classes and walking her dog Jackson when she's not working.

Brian Sutherland - Developer

Brian got his degree before Google was invented.

Clarke Simpson - Business Development

Clarke's previous businesses include a fast food outlet in Columbia and studio space rental in the USA

Craig Bultitude - Developer

Craig is our longest serving developer. He is the go-to guy for anything simulator or device related

Etido Merison - QA Engineer

Etido has a background in offshore data analysis. When she's not working, she loves 3D-printing and crafts of all kinds but she claims she can't juggle more than 2 objects at once

Fiona Johnston - Contracts Manager

Fiona joined us in 2009.  As well as managing contracts Fiona is our social convener and facilities manager !

Garry Stephen - Developer

When Garry's not performing magic with our Pisys 360 suite he plays guitar in a rock band. He and his wife disagree on how many guitars is too many.

Jim Emerson - Developer

Joined Pisys in 1996 after previous lives rust-proofing motor vehicles, sailing two of the worlds oceans and numerous seas while serving in the Navy as a communications operator.

Kiki Raizi-Cooke - Product Manager

When she's not troubleshooting tricky tech Kiki loves to explore new galaxies from her backyard observatory.

Lynda Jenkins - Finance Manager

Lynda deals with everything finance-related and keeps the wheels turning in great style.

Muhammad Akmal - Developer

As well as being core to our dev team Akmal also helps with our AWS architecture and ISO27001 accreditation. Outside  of work his family keep him busy.

Rowland Gault - Developer

Rowland joined Pisys (the first time) in the 90's, left to go round the world then came back in 2012. When he's not working he's usually dooking, stravaiging or just camping.

Peter Henderson - Director

Pete started his career working as a programmer on survey ships in the early 80's. He misses floppy discs, DOS and 8-bit music.

Peter Moore - Developer

Peter has over 30 years' development experience so could probably pick out a floppy disc from an ID parade. Out of work Travel and F1 are his main passions.

Ray Allen - Director

Ray joined Pisys after an extensive period of hydrographic surveying and offshore engineering. He has been the driving force for the simulator product since the early 2000's