TRMS Release

What’s new in TRMS

The following is a full list of features that were implemented in TRMS

Add Text Option for Hazards and Controls.

We have added the ability for hazards to be added (and everything needed to create a new hazard in the system) from one screen. This will be the Add/Edit Task Risk Assessment screen. The user could create controls, controls measures, hazard categories and at-risk categories from one screen without the need to go to the admin screen.

Risk Assessment Summary Report.

A new summary report has been added to a Risk Assessment. The new summary report has a table format that shows all the jobs steps with their controls and associated risks in a more concise format.

Edit Risk Assessments Connected to Permits.

A request was made for the ability to edit a risk assessment while it was connected to a permit in the PTW system. Editing is allowed up until the completion of a permit. When a permit is completed or rejected/closed editing is no longer allowed. When a risk assessment has been edited a message will appear on the top of the screen making the user aware that they now must update the Permit to Work system in order to get the latest risk assessment to the associated permit. The old risk assessment will be saved as an attachment on the permit and the new, updated risk assessment will be saved under the risk assessment filed.

As a result of the editing functionality an RA can now only be associated with one permit. In the past multiple permits could be associated with a single RA. This is no longer the case if the edit function is enabled.

The following is a list of enhancements that were implemented in TRMS The list includes bug fixes and new functionality.

  1. TRM-1 – Additional Task Risk Assessment Header fields
  2. TRM-10 – Revised Hazard Screen
  3. TRM-11 – User Admin
  4. TRM-110 – Additional Parameters for PTW API calls
  5. TRM-115 – Prevent Editing of Task Risk Assessments connected to Closed Permits
  6. TRM-18 – Adding Hazard – All Hazards Expanded
  7. TRM-2 – Job Steps
  8. TRM-22 – Control Measures – All can be removed.
  9. TRM-27 – Auto Update X & Y Axis Changes
  10. TRM-3 – Site Admin
  11. TRM-4 – Work Area / Location admin screen
  12. TRM-44 – Audit
  13. TRM-45 – Pagination
  14. TRM-46 – Main Task Risk Assessment List Screen to have Filters.
  15. TRM-47 – Action Functionality
  16. TRM-48 – Print Functionality
  17. TRM-49 – Default Job Step / Hazard Expansion
  18. TRM-5 – Matrix Admin Screen
  19. TRM-53 – Scoring of Matrix and Dropdown on the Task Risk Edit Page
  20. TRM-6 – Hazard Category admin screen
  21. TRM-63 – Show connected Permits in an RA in TRMS
  22. TRM-64 – Per-Risk-Assessment Licence Management
  23. TRM-65 – Additional Site and Location API Calls and Locking
  24. TRM-66 – API Call to get List of TRMS Instances
  25. TRM-7 – Hazards admin screen
  26. TRM-74 – User API Calls
  27. TRM-75 – Add Translations functionality to TRMS so that we can use the system in other languages.
  28. TRM-78 – Create Permit Button
  29. TRM-79 – Go to PTW Button
  30. TRM-8 – Control Category admin screen
  31. TRM-80 – Permit Button
  32. TRM-81 – PTW Archived Site / Location API calls.
  33. TRM-82 – Filter PTW Archived Sites/Locations
  34. TRM-83 – Hide Create Permit button for Ra’s involving PTW-Archived Sites/Locations
  35. TRM-85 – User that has access to TRMS but NOT to PTW should not see the PTW related button in TRMS.
  36. TRM-87 – Change footer to be floating as PTW on all pages.
  37. TRM-88 – Hazard Effect and Who is at Risk to be made configurable in admin.
  38. TRM-9 – Control admin screen.

The following list of bugs were identified and were also fixed in this release:

  1. TRM-13 – Typos in error messages
  2. TRM-14 – Application Error
  3. TRM-15 – Add new Risk Assessment – Character overrun.
  4. TRM-16 – Task Risk Assessment – Delete Icon Cancel
  5. TRM-19 – Edit Task Risk Assessment – Name field.
  6. TRM-20 – Custom Matrix – Application Error
  7. TRM-21 – Hazards – Special Characters
  8. TRM-23 – Admin Page Tab – Header column not aligned with “records” table column.
  9. TRM-25 – Custom Hazards and Controls – Admin and adding to Risk Assessment
  10. TRM-26 – Dates – Special Characters
  11. TRM-28 – Duplicate Hazards within a step
  12. TRM-29 – Matrix – Cell Score values
  13. TRM-30 – Duplicate Matrix Title – error
  14. TRM-32 – Inactivity Session Timer – Redirect to Error page
  15. TRM-33 – Duplicate Risk Assessment – Error
  16. TRM-34 – Hazards – Duplicate
  17. TRM-31 – Matrix – “Page Cannot be found.”
  18. TRM-38 – Custom Matrix – X & Y Axis titles missing.
  19. TRM-41 – Admin – Hazards – New Hazard, blank fields.
  20. TRM-42 – Edit Existing Matrix
  21. TRM-54 – TRM – Completed Action checkbox.
  22. TRM-55 – Cosmetics and Usability changes in TRM
  23. TRM-56 – Footer is hiding the bottom of the Add New RA page.
  24. TRM-57 – Edit Job Step & Add Action Date Picker Issue
  25. TRM-58 – Delete Step Job button.
  26. TRM-59 – Hazard Initial Risk (pre-mitigation) & Residual Risk (post-mitigation) Fields do not retain the Field selection.
  27. TRM-60 – Editing an existing RA changes its Location.
  28. TRM-68 – Show the version of the application somewhere inside.
  29. TRM-70 – Task Risk Assessment Delete Button Showing
  30. TRM-71 – Update all API Responses
  31. TRM-67 – Print out of an RA will print both the Fields and the Risk Matrix.
  32. TRM-73 – Print button should be visible on the main screen or when an RA is expanded.
  33. TRM-84 – PDF that gets attached to PTW is showing both the matrix and the fields for hazards.
  34. TRM-86 – New User (from PTW) email has the wrong links for setting passwords and accessing TRMS.
  35. TRM-89 – At Risk Category 404 Error
  36. TRM-90 – Summary PDF Print Overlaps Hazard Table and Actions Table
  37. TRM-91 – Single Task Risk Assessment not being returned in API Call
  38. TRM-95 – User admin screen showing SA user.
  39. TRM-94 – Password Confirmation Pages erroring
  40. TRM-43 – Long Titles and Values – Risk Matrix
  41. TRM-99 – Matrix saves truncated cell values and not the full text.
  42. TRM-100 – Tooltips on create new RA screen after selecting the Matrix.
  43. TRM-103 – Welcome to TRMS Email Issues
  44. TRM-101 – Error page when trying to print the summary of an RA with no hazards.
  45. TRM-113 – Adding a new Hazard navigates to the top of the screen upon save.
  46. TRM-114 – Work scope description box to increase in size to allow creator to read the full description.
  47. TRM-111 – Colour of permit icon against colour of RA to be updated.
  48. TRM-112 – Create New Permit button for an RA that has a permit associated with it already.
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