Using QMS – View Query

There are two ways to view a query in QMS: from a link in a notification email; and directly using QMS.

I just got an email from QMS
If you receive an email titled ‘New Query…’, or ‘Query Comment…’ then there is a query requiring your attention.

The notification email contains a link to the query in QMS. Click the email link and login to view the query.

I logged in to QMS and there’s something in my Query list
Double click a query (or right-click a query and select Edit) to view the query.

If you’re not already logged in to QMS do that now.

By default, and without any filters selected, the Query list contains all the queries that may be of interest to you.

Each row of the Query list is a query, and each column in the query list is a query field. You may have to scroll the Query list or maximise your browser to see all the fields.

Remember, your Query list may not look like this. QMS is totally configurable and your local QMS administrators may have chosen to configure QMS and rename or hide columns.

Let’s take a look at a query
In our example, let’s take a look at the query we created earlier.
Double clicking a query row in the Query list displays the Edit Query form:

It may seem like a lot to take in at first sight, but it’s simple.

The information displayed describes the query. The screen grab is of the Query Details tab.

More information is on other tabs – click them and take a look.

Remember that QMS is totally configurable, so your Edit Query form and Tabs may look completely different. The core functionality remains the same however.

Now you know how to view queries in your query list, let’s look at how to process a query.

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