Welcome to QMS

The first time you hear about QMS may be when a Welcome email appears in your Inbox.

The Welcome email looks something like this:

What’s ATMS?

QMS is derived from ATMS, the Pisys "Action Tracking Management System", so you may see an occasional reference to ATMS when you’re using QMS.
Don’t panic if you do, there are similarities and overlaps between the two systems. If you see a reference to ATMS, just read it as QMS, keep calm and carry on.

Set your password

You need to set your password before you can use QMS, so click the "set your password" link in the Welcome email. This opens a browser window and displays the QMS page you use to set your password:

Choose a memorable password that contains more than 5 characters, enter it in both text boxes, and click OK.

QMS then displays a message, and emails you to inform you that your password has been successfully changed.

Both the message and email contain a link to the QMS Login page.

Click the link and let’s login.

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