Pisys and COVID-19

Like many organisations, Pisys is monitoring the ongoing Covid-19 situation closely. The wellbeing of our staff, customers and stakeholders remains our priority. With the relaxing of some of the restrictions around office working we now have some staff occasionally visiting the office, although the majority continue to work remotely.

Pisys' business model has always allowed for this style of working, and indeed most of our operations are run with at least an element of home working. Hence, the current situation is largely business as usual for us. All of our activities, including customer support, product development and company administration can be, and frequently are, performed remotely.

We are mindful that the situation is highly fluid and we are confident that our agility and flexible working practices will enable us to adapt further should the need arise in future. We will continue to be guided by the latest government health advice.

Should you have a specific need or indeed any concerns relating to the current Covid-19 situation, please contact us via the normal routes, and we will be happy to discuss these with you.

Thank you for your support and understanding at this time.