What’s new in PTW

The following is a full list of features that were implemented in Pisys PTW release.

General Attachments in Contractor Management

We have added the ability to add attachments in our Contractor Management module for Companies and Recipients. These attachments are not tracked (for example, expiry dates) or play a part in the Permit workflow. They are for reference only.

  • Company Overview
    • Added a new tab labelled “Company General Attachments”
    • This displays a list of existing uploaded Attachments as well as a button labelled “Add Attachment”
    • The list contains the following columns:
      • Filename
      • Description
      • Upload Date
    • Each Attachment also has the following buttons:
      • Open – download/open the file
      • Edit – allows changing the Description
      • Delete – removes the Attachment
    • The list has a clickable header-text allowing sorting of the data on that column
  • Recipient Overview
    • The same functionality as above except with a tab labelled “Recipient General Attachments”.

Admin Screen Changes

  • Due to the structure of the “Admin -> Settings and Access Rights” screen which contains various tabs, all of which have their data loaded upon opening the screen, regardless of which tab/section is to be viewed, it can take a bit of time to render/save the page.
  • The pages therefore have been revised similarly to the Home Screen where the data for individual tabs is only loaded once they’re selected.
  • We have changed the expand/collapse functionality used by Permit Rights, Isolation Rights and Routine Duty Rights to use a sub-tab system which will then only load the detail for the selected record instead of having all records rendered at once.
  • We have revised the Permit Version list screen to use tabs instead of expand/collapse functionality as well as the Permit Version Edit screen to use tabs for Questions, Gas Tests and Signatures.
  • We have revised the Isolation Version list screen to use tabs instead of expand/collapse functionality as well as the Isolation Version Edit screen to use tabs for Questions, Equipment and Signatures.
The following is a list of bugs that were were also fixed in Pisys PTW
  1. PTW-1636 – Print in Landscape checkbox is not staying ON for Isolation Version.
  2. PTW-1630 – Long Term Isolation Expiry Tab – Home Screen – shows isolations no longer expired.
  3. PTW-1624 – Page-Redirection on Delete.
  4. PTW-1632 – PisysAdmin User cannot Login when Company is Archived.
  5. PTW-1626 – The gas test Panel is not showing for a permit that uses a panel with no top question to trigger it.
  6. PTW-1633 – Creating a Copy of a permit question throws an error.
  7. PTW-1606 – Default Panel Name Showing for Competencies.
  8. PTW-1631 – Error in displaying images on Google Maps Satellite View.
  9. PTW-1625 – Archived Isolation Point Type still shows as part of the Isolation Rights screen.
  10. PTW-1627 – Error message when a user logs in to TRMS first and then navigates to PTW.
  11. PTW-1620 – Save button on Issue RD can be clicked multiple times resulting in multiple issued RDs.

For an overview of our update process, please click here: https://pisys.co.uk/our-update-process/

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