What’s new in PTW

The following is a full list of features that were implemented in Pisys PTW release.

Creation Date on User Edit screen

We have added a label to the User Edit Screen and a new column to the User Export file to indicate when a user was created.

Isolation Table Add and Remove rows

We have added the ability to add and remove rows from the isolation table to make it more consistent with the user created tables used elsewhere in the system.

Add a Title to both Permit and Isolation print outs

We have added titles for Permits, Isolations and Isolation Tags to all PDF print outs.

Right to Left Script

We can now set the whole PTW system to display and be used in a Right to Left script.

Isolation Remote Signature

Remote-sign functionality added for Isolations where Signatures defined for a specific step which are flagged as “Can Sign Remotely” will be available to sign via the new “Sign Isolation” button located at the bottom of the Isolation Edit screen.

Specifically, Signatures with the following flags will be available at the defined Isolation Status (depending upon workflow steps enabled for the Isolation Version):

  • Use Isolate -> Requested Approval
  • Use On Confirm -> Approved for Isolation
  • Use On Deisolate -> DeIsolate Request
  • Use On CloseOut -> DeIsolate Approve

Isolation Print and Preview buttons

Preview functionality added with similar workflow-tabs as the Permit-preview for:

  • Create
  • Approve
  • Confirm
  • Deisolate
  • Close

All of these are always shown other than the “Approve” tab which can be excluded from the workflow. Each non-Create tab simply contains the Signatures for that workflow step since that is the only real configurable part post-Create.

Print Blank added to allow printing of an empty Isolation based on the Version configuration. Only ‘Visible’ questions will be included in the printout.

Suspend/Reissue button

Permits which are in a state ready for “Suspend” or “Reissue” will have a new button labelled Suspend/Reissue available on the Home-screen list. Clicking either button will perform the same action as the corresponding button on the Permit Edit screen.

The changes are as follows:

  • “Reissue” button for Suspended Permits
  • “Suspend” button for Issued Permits

Permit/User rights will be checked upon clicking the button and a message shown to the User in the event that they cannot Suspend/Reissue.

Home screen Tab for Expired Permits

When an Issued Permit goes beyond the Suspend Date but remains within the Validation Dates, that Permit is not being listed under any tabs. We now list any such Permits under the appropriate tab e.g.

  • Permits – Expired
  • Permits – Suspended

Similarly, any Permits which exceed the Validation Dates should be listed under “Permits – Validity Period Expired” and not “Permits – Pending Issue” as they currently are.

  • “Permits – Pending Issue” no longer includes Permits which have an expired Valid-To Date.
  • “Permits – Validity Period Expired” now isn’t restricted to Permits which have been Issued at some point.
    • So if a Permit has been Validated and the Valid-To expires, that Permit will be included in this list.
    • The previous restriction was that it needed to have been Issued at least once.
  • “Permits – Expired” originally only included Permits which had been Issued and someone had Requested-Handback.
    • Now updated so either that is still the case, or the Permit has been Issued/Reissued and the Issue-To Date has expired.
  • “Permits – Expired” also shows as a tab below the Permit Board.

The following is a full list of security features that were implemented in Pisys PTW release.

  1. PTW-1562 – Information Disclosure: Server Version in HTTP Header.
  2. PTW-1558 – Weak CAPTCHA Implementation.
  3. PTW-1560 – HTTP Security Headers: Referrer Policy not Implemented.
  4. PTW-1561 – HTTP Security Headers: Permissions-Policy not Implemented.
  5. PTW-1559 – HTTP Security Headers: Strict Transport Security not Implemented.
The following is a list of enhancements that were implemented in Pisys PTW The list includes bug fixes and new functionality.
  1. PTW-1592 – Terminology – Hard-coded Labels.
  2. PTW-1591 – RTL – Multi-Select Checkbox Alignment.
  3. PTW-1015 – Isolation Print Buttons, Previews, Import/Export.
  4. PTW-1077 – Isolation Grid – Would like Signature type available.
  5. PTW-1562 – Information Disclosure: Server Version in HTTP Header.
  6. PTW-1600 – Technip – Isolation – Complete STT & Close.
  7. PTW-1597 – Technip – Management Overview – Add “Issued Routine Duties” summary box.
  8. PTW-1598 – Technip – Routine Duty checkboxes read-only after Request.
  9. PTW-1599 – Technip – Routine Duty – Display “Review-Expiry Date”.
  10. PTW-1585 – Technip – Permit Edit – Add “Suspend & Reissue” button.
  11. PTW-1596 – Technip – Remove Technip-specific Routine Duty “ISA” Role.
  12. PTW-1558 – Weak CAPTCHA Implementation.
  13. PTW-1560 – HTTP Security Headers: Referrer Policy not Implemented.
  14. PTW-1561 – HTTP Security Headers: Permissions-Policy not Implemented.
  15. PTW-1559 – HTTP Security Headers: Strict Transport Security not Implemented.
  16. PTW-1580 – Pisys 360 – Add new User to all instances.
  17. PTW-1551 – Consolidate User-Defined Table Structures.
  18. PTW-1584 – Technip – Home – Add Suspend/Reissue buttons to appropriate Permit records.
  19. PTW-1581 – Technip – RD-Issue – Allow toggling of checkbox usage/display.
  20. PTW-1583 – Technip – Permit Board – Add “Complete & Reissue” menu-option to RD boxes/items.
  21. PTW-1586 – Add a Marker to indicate when a permit is checked out to a mobile app user.
  22. PTW-1567 – Display Creation-Date on User Edit screen.
  23. PTW-1262 – Copy Isolations – allow selection via a dropdown of which child/copy to view.
  24. PTW-1442 – Add / Remove Row for Isolation Table.
  25. PTW-1387 – Add a Title to both Permit and Isolation print outs.

The following list of bugs were identified and were also fixed in this release:

  1. PTW-1373 – Develop ‘Remote Sign’ For Isolation Signatures.
  2. PTW-1618 – Remote Sign Button Throws An Error in Isolations.
  3. PTW-1619 – Isolations – Clicking The Return Button for Remote Sign Throws an Error.
  4. PTW-1615 – Server Error when trying to view any isolation.
  5. PTW-1616 – Server Error when trying to view Plot Plans and RDs.
  6. PTW-1617 – Responsible Person Initial Issue to be added back into PTW.
  7. PTW-1614 – Character Limit when updating a TRMS connected to a permit.
  8. PTW-1611 – Additional Signatures Panel disappears when a Permit is Handed back.
  9. PTW-1607 – Archived Sites Appearing on Permit Board.
  10. PTW-1601 – Inspections – When printing blank, Dropdown/Multi-Select Options Missing.
  11. PTW-1543 – Print Only Option for Isolation Equipment Column Edit.
  12. PTW-1603 – Only Approved Companies can Approve/Issue Permits checkbox issue.
  13. PTW-1568 – Have Signature Table Row Width Configurable.
  14. PTW-1595 – Table Isolation Signatures are lost when rejecting or approving.
  15. PTW-1602 – Child Question for Single Line Textbox not saving.
  16. PTW-1574 – Technip – Management-Overview Numeric-Link Issue.
  17. PTW-1594 – Permit closure is not allowed due to Inspections.
  18. PTW-1578 – Technip – Home Screen Tabs for Expired Permits.
  19. PTW-1588 – Print Only Controls and Blank PDF Print of a Permit.
  20. PTW-1579 – Technip – Cold Work Panel not included on Management Overview Graph.
  21. PTW-1590 – Panel Type Question that triggers a Panel with no Questions does not show in Management.
  22. PTW-1570 – Technip – Routine Duty items not appearing on Permit Board.
  23. PTW-1571 – Technip – Loophole allowing bypassing “Required Before Issue” on Permits.
  24. PTW-1582 – Error when adding Inspection to Permit.
  25. PTW-1556 – Validity Hours Bug.
  26. PTW-1577 – PDF Print out of Table shows black lines and no text for columns and rows.
  27. PTW-1573 – Technip – Remove Expired Routine Duties from Permit Board.
  28. PTW-1569 – Technip – Permit-Board/Home-List showing Validation Dates instead of Issue.
  29. PTW-1572 – “Live Only” Checkbox Issue.
  30. PTW-1557 – Preview of Permit does not display Panel type questions in stages after create.
  31. PTW-1074 – Suspend Permit Issue.
  32. PTW-1566 – Isolation Parent does not have the Move to Child button.
  33. PTW-1565 – Isolation create Blank Version is not blank.
  34. PTW-1564 – Isolation Copy Version Server Error when trying to add a new question.
  35. PTW-1563 – Isolation Preview screen throws server error.
  36. PTW-1552 – Mandatory Child Signature-Control Validation.
  37. PTW-1554 – Signatures in Signature Controls Getting Copied.
  38. PTW-1058 – Yes No Dropdown List.
  39. PTW-1537 – Inspection Printout.
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