What’s new in PTW

The following is a full list of features that were implemented in Pisys PTW release.

Isolation Custom Controls

We have introduced the ability to add custom controls to the top section of the Isolation form.
Functionality updated as follows:

Admin -> Isolation Version

Version List Screen

  • Removed the following “Isolation Option / Section” Version-settings as they are now determined via the individual Question “Visible” and “Required” flag:
    • Isolation Equipment
    • Isolation Reason
    • Department
    • Work Category
    • Lock Box
  • Updated the Version-Copy to pull across the Fixed/Custom Question configuration.

Version Edit Screen

  • Added a section labelled “Isolation Questions” allows add/edit/delete of Questions which will be displayed at the top of the Isolation Edit screen i.e. where the ‘fixed’ fields currently appear.
    • The functionality in relation to ‘Fixed’ and ‘Custom’ fields works in a similar way to the Permit Details Panel under Permit Versions in that editing of Custom fields allows for full customisation, whereas Fixed fields are limited to the display name/tooltip.
    • NOTE: Although functionality is similar to Permit Details, the underlying structure is more akin to the “Inspections” module.
      • This means that for the initial development, the Question Types are limited to the same subset at Inspections i.e. no Attachments or Hyperlinks

Isolation Edit

  • Top section updated to display custom Questions as configured under the Isolation Version.
  • Copy functionality updated to pull across the Fixed/Custom Question values.

SIMOPS – Work in Other Areas Selection

We have made some changes to our “work in other areas” feature. The changes are as follows:

Other Work in the Area (Permit Issue)

The existing functionality provides a list of all other ‘live’ work within the same Area as the Permit. This will be updated as follows:

  • Rename section as “Other Work”.
  • Within the section, display a series of tabs labelled by Area and displaying the number of ‘live’ work items e.g.
    • Area A (2)
    • Area B (1)
    • Area C (5) etc.
  • If an Area has no ongoing ‘live’ work, then it won’t be displayed as a tab.
  • Consistent with existing functionality, the Area of the current Permit will be displayed by default.
  • Switching between Area tabs will refresh the list of “Other Work” with the list applicable to the selected Area.

Multi Delete/Archive of Users/Recipients

We have enabled multiple selection of users and recipients in the Admin screen for archival or deletion. This option would help a lot in managing accounts and recipients, where currently it is only possible to manage one at a time. The changes are as follows:

User List & Recipient List

  • Added 2 new columns labelled “Archive” and “Delete”.
    • Under these new columns, each row will contain a checkbox.
    • Added new buttons for “Archive” and “Delete”.
    • Clicking either of these buttons will then perform that action for each of the selected records.
    • NOTE: In the case of a “Delete” action, checks will be performed on each of the selected records to ensure that they are not ‘in use’.
      • If an ‘in-use’ record is selected, the User will be informed, and they will need to de-select that record before being able to proceed.

For Recipients

  • The Archived checkbox only appears for records which have not already been archived.
  • The Delete checkbox only appears for records which are not In-Use i.e. the same rule as whether the “Delete” button appears or not.

For Users

  • The Archived checkbox only appears for records which have not already been archived.
  • The Delete checkbox appears for all records (as does the “Delete” button).
    • Similar to the existing Delete button functionality, since the In-Use check involved a lot of checks across numerous tables, this is performed at the time of Deletion instead of initially loading the screen.
    • The bulk Delete therefore allows selection of all User records, but only those non “In-Use” will be allowed to be deleted.

Free Text search filter for Users/Recipients list screens

We have included a new free text search filter in the user and recipients’ management areascreens.

User List & Recipient List

Added a single textbox to the existing filter section labelled “Text Search” along with a “Search” button. This is used to perform a wildcard search across the following fields, returning any records containing the specified text:

  • Username
  • Firstname
  • Surname
  • Email

Permit Maximum Validity Period Override

The Maximum allowed hours for a Permit is automatically calculated based on which Panels are enabled for that Permit. We have made the following changes to allow for an optional manual selection of Maximum Hours. This feature can be enabled via the Admin screen: Admin -> Settings & Access Rights -> Permit Settings -> Allow Maximum Validity Period Override:

Permit Edit

  • Added a subsection/panel labelled “Permit Maximum Hours” with the following features:
    • Label
      • “Please select whether the calculated Maximum Hours for the Permit should be overridden”.
    • Calculated Hours
      • A label displaying the suggested maximum hours for the Permit i.e. the lowest value across all Used Panels.
    • Overridden Hours
      • A dropdown containing the list of Used Panels along with the maximum hours/days defined for them e.g.
        • Hot Work (168 Hours, 7 days)
        • Isolation (168 Hours, 7 days)
        • Confined space (1008 hours, 42 days)
      • The “Overridden Hours” will default to be the same as the Calculated Hours.
        • This functionality will allow for special cases such as the example where both “Isolation” and “Confined Space” are used and the validity-period needs to be 6 weeks as opposed to the calculated 7 days.

Permit Validation

  • When selecting the Permit Valid To/From Dates, the validity-period will be based on the “Overridden Hours” selection.

Permit Board Options

We have added new options in our Permit Board cards.

Permit Boxes

  • Added new options to the ‘3-dots’ context menu for:
    • Suspend/Complete Shift Issue
      • Clicking “Suspend/Complete Shift Issue” will perform the same action as the “Suspend/ Complete Shift Issue” button on the Permit Edit/Details page and suspend the Permit with no further input required.
    • Handback
      • Clicking “Handback” will open the Handback screen for the Permit, on which the User will need to complete the standard Handback fields.

Permit Board Options

Site Emails Additional Approval Restrictions

We have further enhanced the Site Emails functionality as follows:

  • Under “PTW Edit – > Additional Approvals”, the “Approve” button only displays for a row if the logged-in User has been assigned to the selected Site Email list.

The following is a list of enhancements that were implemented in Pisys PTW The list includes bug fixes and new functionality.

  1. PTW-1508 – P6141 – Technip – RD/Isolation PIC/RP Rights
  2. PTW-340 – Isolations – Have the ability to create custom controls at the top of the Isolation form.
  3. PTW-1512 – P6141 – Technip – Routine Duty Issue Mods
  4. PTW-1517 – P6141 – Technip – Work In Other Areas Selection
  5. PTW-1513 – P6141 – Technip – Admin List-Screen Multi-Select
  6. PTW-1509 – P6141 – Technip – Permit Max-Hours Selection
  7. PTW-1505 – P6141 – Technip – STT Completion Options
  8. PTW-1516 – P6141 – Technip – Isolation Tag Column Print Config
  9. PTW-1503 – P6141 – Technip – RD Expired
  10. PTW-1518 – P6141 – Technip – Isolation P&ID Reference
  11. PTW-1511 – P6141 – Technip – Routine Duty/Isolation Link
  12. PTW-1520 – Allow Printing of Isolation List Before Isolation Confirmed
  13. PTW-1514 – P6141 – Technip – User/Recipient Admin Filters
  14. PTW-1507 – P6141 – Technip – Pipelay Tower
  15. PTW-1510 – P6141 – Technip – Interdepartmental Routine Duties
  16. PTW-1504 – P6141 – Technip – Permit Board Options
  17. PTW-1515 – P6141 – Technip – STT/Permit End-of-Shift
  18. PTW-1506 – P6141 – Technip – Isolation Equipment Auto-Numbering
  19. PTW-1502 – P6141 – Technip – TRA Review Date.

The following list of bugs were identified and were also fixed in this release:

  1. PTW-1549 – Request Handback status showing as Issued on Permit List Screen after Request Handback and Needs Closed
  2. PTW-1548 – The home screen will not show isolations to a user with no isolation rights that is a PIC on an RD that is connected to those isolations.
  3. PTW-1547 – The new auto-generated Isolation Tag Number will not allow the removal of a table row.
  4. PTW-1545 – Isolation Equipment Column & Isolation Signatures cannot be deleted. System throws a console error.
  5. PTW-1542 – Isolation Print throws server error
  6. PTW-1546 – Cannot Close Permits after Handback in the Technip server.
  7. PTW-1541 – RD that has been Issue Requested but not Issued cannot be cancelled.
  8. PTW-1544 – Interdepartmental RD using an area with no other work against it seems to not show the tabs correctly.
  9. PTW-1540 – Cannot Cancel or Complete RD
  10. PTW-1539 – Character Limit when updating a TRMS connected to a permit.
  11. PTW-1538 – Server Error when Rd is being issued.
  12. PTW-1525 – Routine Duties Home – My Actions buttons
  13. PTW-1521 – Routine Duty Export
  14. PTW-1526 – The Routine Duty Register does not take into account selected filters when exporting results.
  15. PTW-1527 – Bulk deleting users does not display a message if the delete was not possible.
  16. PTW-1529 – Permit Type filter in Permit list screen is not working correctly for Panel Type controls.
  17. PTW-1528 – My Actions Home Tab is not showing the RDs assigned to people.
  18. PTW-1524 – Site Emails Additional Approvals Restriction on listed users
  19. PTW-1495 – Routine Duty Paging Losing Filters
  20. PTW-1523 – Default Isolation Version fields are missing when a Blank copy is made.
  21. PTW-1496 – Routine Duty Review-Rejection
  22. PTW-1550 – Interdepartmental RDs and Isolations.
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